
The collected stories of eudora welty
The collected stories of eudora welty

the collected stories of eudora welty

The Praeger edition has two translators and one of them is the translator of Doctor Zhivago Dutton's translator, Ralph Parker, has been stigmatized by Praeger as "an apologist for the Soviet regime".

the collected stories of eudora welty

Royalties from the "unauthorized" edition will go to the International Rescue Committee Dutton with their contracted edition is adhering to copyright conventions.

the collected stories of eudora welty

Without entering into the scrimmage, or dismissing it as a plague on both your houses, we will limit ourselves to a few facts. There has been considerable advance attention on what appears to be as much of a publishing cause celebre here as the original appearance of the book in Russia. While a few weeks ago it seemed as if Praeger would have a two month lead over Dutton in their presentation of this Soviet best seller, both the "authorized" edition (Dutton's) and the "unauthorized" (Praeger's) will appear almost simultaneously. A welcome gathering of an important writer's short fiction-some of which is her very best work of all. But also included here are two stories from the 1960s: "Where Is the Voice Coming From?," an uncollected 1963 New Yorker story narrated by a white man out to kill a black civil-rights leader (inspired, as Welty describes in her brief, modest preface, by the shooting of Medgar Evers) and "The Demonstrators," another Sixties story of the uneasily changing South that appeared in the O. And it need hardly be said-since Welty continues to be enthusiastically anthologized and adapted (most recently in an acclaimed off-Broadway one-woman show)-that her famous tales of Southern small-town life have only become more impressive with time. Here are all of Welty's published stories-chiefly the contents of four previous collections: A Curtain of Green (1941), The Wide Net and Other Stories (1943), The Golden Apples (1949), and The Bride of Innisfallen and Other Stories (1955).

The collected stories of eudora welty